Day 505.2 Encircle the Diet with candlelight. Saikado Hantai.

Antinuclear rally to encircle Diet with candlelight

TOKYO (Kyodo) — People took to the streets in central Tokyo Sunday to protest the resumption of two nuclear reactors at the Oi power plant on the Sea of Japan coast after all of the nation’s reactors were shut down following the disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi complex.

After marching from Hibiya Park, they will encircle the Diet building with candlelight, while several lawmakers from both ruling and opposition parties as well as the Australian Green Party will address them in front of the main gate of the Diet building.

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Voting starts in Yamaguchi governor’s race, focus on nuclear plant

YAMAGUCHI, Japan, July 29, Kyodo

Voting in the Yamaguchi gubernatorial election started Sunday, with attention focused on the planned construction of a nuclear power plant in the western Japan prefecture.

The election is a de facto two-man race between prominent renewable energy proponent Tetsunari Iida, 53, who calls for scrapping plans to build a nuclear plant in Kaminoseki, and former senior bureaucrat Shigetaro Yamamoto, 63, who claims he will suspend the plan in the wake of events at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.

Yamamoto, a former official at the Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Ministry backed by many municipality leaders, is seen as having the upper hand over Iida, who has sought to garner support from unaffiliated voters by running as an independent.


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From ENENEWS at:

Head of internal medicine at Japan hospital astonished by Fukushima thyroid exams — Immediate evacuation required in high contamination areas — “A violation of human rights for those exposed”

Title: Position Statement: What Is Currently Happening to Fukushima Children?
Source: Michiyuki Matsuzaki, M.D.
Translated by: Fukushima Voice
Date: May 19, 2012

Michiyuki Matsuzaki, M.D., Internal Medicine Department, Fukagawa Municipal Hospital, Hokkaido, Japan

  • April 2010  Head of Internal Medicine Department, Fukagawa Municipal Hospital, Hokkaido
  • April 2012  Professor of Clinical Administration, Asahikawa Medical University, Hokkaido
  • May 2012  Special member of Cancer Policy Board, Hokkaido Prefecture


When the above four studies are tallied in one table, it becomes obvious that the result of the thyroid examinations of children in the “Fukushima Prefecture Health Management Survey” is astonishing. This is because one-third of the children had developed “ cysts.” A “cyst” is a fluid-filled sac. Cysts don’t mean there is an immediate chance of developing thyroid cancer. However, it is apparent that something extraordinary is happening inside the thyroid gland, such as inflammation or changes in cellular properties.


Summarizing the thyroid ultrasound examination results from Japan and overseas, prevalence of “cysts” detected in children around the age of 10 is approximately 0.5-1.0%.

The fact that 35% of Fukushima children (average age around 10) have thyroid cysts strongly suggests that these children’s thyroid glands are negatively affected by undesirable environmental factors.

There is a strong concern that waiting for further analysis of above data and the completion of follow-up examinations will lead to irreversible health damages in these children.

Consequently, it is strongly desired that small children living in Nakadori (adjacent to the coastal region) and Hamadori (the coastal region) in Fukushima receive immediate implementation of preventive measures such as evacuation and more frequent screening examinations.

Based on above findings, a letter from Shunichi Yamashita to thyroid specialists all over Japan, instructing them not to offer second opinions to concerned families, can only be considered a repressive conduct: a violation of human rights for those exposed to radiation and current patients.


It is clear that an immediate evacuation from highly contaminated areas is imperative in order to prevent a possibility of irreversible health damages in children with future potential for life and improved health.  This is the lesson we must all learn from the tragedy of Chernobyl.

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If You Love This Planet

July 27th, 2012

Arnold Gundersen with the latest on Fukushima: its effects on Japan, and the global risks posed by the No. 4 reactor

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NISA dismisses fears over failing Genkai reactor strength


The Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, overriding expressions of concern from experts, concluded July 27 there is no problem with the strength of the pressure vessel of the Genkai nuclear power plant’s aging No. 1 reactor.

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From ENENEWS at:

Asahi: Fukushima nuclear disaster is affecting every region of the world – Japanese Professor

Subscription Only) Title: NAGASAKI PEACE SYMPOSIUM: Fukushima disaster figures big in discussions
Source: Asahi AJW
Date: July 28, 2012

With “The road to nuclear weapons abolition” as its theme, the annual International Symposium for Peace, held alternately in Nagasaki and Hiroshima, has offered a venue for calls to scrap the world’s nuclear arsenals.[…]

During the panel discussion, Nobumasa Akiayama, an associate professor of Hitotsubashi University andresearcher with the Independent Investigation Commission on the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Accident, said Japan must fully reflect the fact that it is responsible for a nuclear disaster that is affecting every region of the world.

“It became clear that Japan failed to learn from safety lessons from the Three Mile Island accident and the Chernobyl disaster, and unfortunately, many countries planning to expand nuclear power generation are reluctant to learn lessons from Fukushima, because it would mean they need to impose tighter regulatory measures,” Akiyama said. “We are now asked to solve this problem.”


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Occupy Tokyo Night Protest Action July 27th 2012

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Article discussing the plates that are colliding off Shizuoka.

駿河湾で巨大津波の可能性 海底にひずみ蓄積

2012/07/22 23:30




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Nuclear Power Causes Cancer: What Industry Doesn’t Want You To Know

Nuclear power, frequently mentioned as one option for meeting future energy needs, would pose a health threat to Americans if a meltdown occurred. But despite meltdowns at Chernobyl and Three Mile Island, and many other near-miss accidents, there is another dirty little secret the nuclear industry doesn’t want you to know. Cancer risk from nuclear plants aren’t just potential risks, they areactual risks.


The claim that low doses of radiation are harmless has always been just a claim. It led to practices like routine diagnostic X-rays to the pelvis of pregnant women, until the work of the University of Oxford’s Dr. Alice Stewart found that these X-rays doubled the chance that the fetus would die of cancer as a child. Many studies later, independent experts agreed that no dose is safe. A 2005 report by a blue-ribbon panel of the National Academy of Sciences reviewed hundreds of scientific articles, and concluded that there is no risk-free dose of radiation.

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