
Monthly Archives: April 2012

Press Conference on Fukushima Daiichi Disaster

May 4, 2012
New York City, New York

Japanese nuclear scientist and Japanese and U.S. medical doctors to discuss current radiological health conditions and concerns in Japan after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactor catastrophe.

Time: 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Location: Rissho Kosei-kai, 320 East 39th Street (between First Ave. & Second Ave.)

A press conference about the on-going, rarely publicized, and still grave situation around the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors, featuring a nuclear scientist from Japan, and first hand medical reports of clinical and on site observations in Japan related to the Fukushima radiological contamination. Discussion will include the immediate needs to protect Japanese citizens now living in contaminated areas, for better monitoring of radioactive content of food, and for the cessation of incineration and burying of radioactive tsunami rubble throughout Japan.

Featuring: Mr. Hiroaki Koide, Assistant Professor, Research Reactor Institute of Kyoto University, Japan; Dr. Junro Fuse, Internist, Japan; Dr. Ken Nakayama, Orthopedic Surgeon, Japan; Dr. Andrew S. Kanter, President, Physicians for Social Responsibility, USA; Kazko Kawai, Voices for Lively Spring, Japan; Mari Inoue, Human Rights Now, USA.

 For further details see:
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From ENENEWS at:

Canadian Nuclear Scientist: Another, even more dangerous possibility than fire at Spent Fuel Pool No. 4 — Re-initiation of chain reaction can occur if fuel rods move slightly, an “accidental criticality”

Title: Why Nuclear Scientists Have Missed the Danger of Spent Fuel Pools
Source: Akio Matsumura
Author: Gordon Edwards
Date: Jan. 23, 2012

Dear Akio,You asked me why there has been so little warning from the “nuclear establishment” (TEPCO and the regulatory agency) about the potential for catastrophic accidents involving the spent fuel pool in reactor number 4.


In addition to the possibility of zirconium fires (which have for a long time been almost completely overlooked by nuclear engineers and regulators) there is another, even more dangerous possibility. An alteration in the geometry of the spent fuel in the pool, by which the separation between the spent fuel rods is slightly but significantly reduced, can lead to re-initiation of the chain reaction in the pool.

This “accidental criticality” will not only drive the temperature up rapidly, but will also replenish the supply of short-lived heat-producing fission products, accelerating the damage to the fuel, magnifying the heat loading, increasing the probability of a fuel pool meltdown, andvastly increasing the atmospheric releases of radioactivity.

It has been a standard practice in the nuclear industry to avoid consideration of all of these possibilities, based on the assumption that there will be “lots of time” to react to any emergency involving the spent fuel pool, as it will normally take days for the spent fuel to reach the melting point and it will be a “simple matter” to refill the pools with water if necessary.

This ignores the fact that major structural damage may make it impossible to approach the spent fuel pool due to the lethal levels of gamma radiation emanating from the spent fuel once the protective shielding of the water is gone.

Read the report here

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How contaminated a bird is in Fukushima


Prof. Mori of Tokyo university took a picture of a bush warbler in Fukushima by autoradiography.
It took one month to capture the radiation from cesium 137.
The bush warbler was found dead in Iidate mura last December.
This photo was taken from the stomach of the bird. Black spots in the wing parts show radioactive particles stuck to the wings. The ones in the body parts show the radioactive particles taken into the body. Biological concentration is assumed to have happened through contaminated worms.

Read the entire article at:
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From ENENEWS at:

33% of prized bird species disappears after summer near Fukushima — Those making it back “were in a poor condition” says New Zealand gov’t researcher

Title: Muttonbird numbers lower
Source: Radio New Zealand
Date: Apr. 30, 2012

The Japanese nuclear meltdown may have reduced New Zealand’s muttonbird population.

A study near Auckland has found a third […] failed to return this summer after spending the southern winter in their northern hemisphere base near the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.

Department of Conservation researcher Graeme Taylor says the birds that did return were in a poor condition. […]

Read the report here

Also from ENENEWS at:

A “Most Unusual Event”: Birds returning from Fukushima-area with troubling symptoms — Appear to not have been able to find food in North Pacific — “I’ve never seen birds in that poor of a condition come back to New Zealand”

Title: Muttonbirds affected by Fukushima
Source: NZ Herald News
Author: Paul Harper
Date: 10:55 AM Monday Apr 30, 2012

Headline: Muttonbirds affected by Fukushima

Department of Conservation seabird researcher Graeme Taylor told Radio New Zealand

  • The birds return to New Zealand in November to mate, but […] the ones that returned were in poor condition
  • “We won’t know if they’ve died up there in the north Pacific until another year goes by, because sometimes these birds skip a breeding season- where if they are in a poor condition they don’t attempt to breed, and so they may turn up again and breed”
  • “But if the birds never turn up again then you have to start to wonder what’s gone on with the population”
  • The drop in numbers was the “most unusual event” in 20 years of studies of the birds’ numbers
  • He said many of the birds which arrived back had old feathers on their tails, wings and body
  • “I’ve never seen birds in that poor of a condition come back to New Zealand”
  • He said the condition of muttonbirds suggested they did not get the food in the north Pacific they usually do
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Strong quake jolts northeast Chiba


An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 5.8 jolted Chiba Prefecture and its vicinity Sunday evening, coming in at lower 5 on the Japanese seismic intensity scale of 7 near its epicenter in the northeast, the Meteorological Agency said.

No tsunami warning was issued after the 7:28 p.m. quake, which measured 4 in northwest Chiba and in southern Ibaraki Prefecture, and 3 in central Tokyo and surrounding areas, the Meteorological Agency said.

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Tsunami-hit towns aim to move 70% of housing areas

Seventy percent of communities devastated by the tsunami in northeastern Japan last year want to move their residential districts inland or to higher ground.

Article continues at: 

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Thyroid nodules rate in Fukushima is 20 time higher than in Chernobyl

Posted by Mochizuki on April 29th, 2012 · No Comments

Following up this article..Thyroid pandemic

In March, Fukushima government conducted thyroid test for under 18 in 13 cities and towns such as Minamisoma city, Namiemachi, Iidatemura, Tomiokamachi etc..

The result shows thyroid nodules (≦5.0mm) or cyst (≦20.0mm) were seen in 13,460 from 38,114 people (35.3%).

Compared to their pre-test result of January, it increased from 29.7% to 35.3%. (↑ 5.6%) 


By the way, Yamashita Shunichi conducted thyroid test for 120,000 people in Chernobyl from 5.1991 to 4.1996, when was 5 years ~ 10 years after Chernobyl.

According to the research of Yamashita, in Homyel, the most contaminated city in Belarus, the thyroid nodules ratio (*) was 1.74%, which is only one in twenties of that 35.3%.

Read the entire article at:



(UPDATED) 66 Bq/Kg of Radioactive Cesium From Maccha Green Tea

Some readers were wondering if radioactive cesium had been detected in the type of Japanese green tea in fine powder – maccha (抹茶). So I googled it, and up came the report by Seikatsu Club (co-op), as follows:


Maccha  早春の香 (Shinsei Watarai-cha): total cesium 11 Bq/kg. Tea was made [into maccha form] in April.
Maccha  早春の香 (Shinsei Watarai-cha): total cesium  66 Bq/kg. Tea was made [into maccha form] in March.

Maccha  早春の香 (Shinsei Watarai-cha): total cesium 37 Bq/kg. Tea was made [into maccha form] in April.

There is no information when the tea was picked.

Shinsei Watarai-cha is an organic tea grown in Watarai-cho in Mie Prefecture.

On checking the environmental database by Japan Chemical Analysis Center, I’ve found that the highest level of radioactive cesium (Cs-137) in green tea in Mie Prefecture was in 1988 at 2.9 becquerels/kg. In the past 10 years, it was either “not detected” or less than 0.1 becquerels/kg.

Watarai-cho is located just southwest of Ise City in Mie. Ise City is famous for the Ise Grand Shrine.

By the way, Mie Prefecture is accepting the disaster debris from Iwate and Miyagi. The governor of Mie signed the agreements with his counterparts in Iwate and Miyagi, despite oppositions from mayors in Mie, including the mayor of Ise City and the mayor of Watarai-cho.

UPDATE: comments from people I follow on Twitter:

Kontan_Bigcat: 7 to 9 becquerels/kg of cesium was detected last year from tea in Mie.

Kouta Kinoshita: it is possible that the number is high relative to the level of contamination in Mie, because the tea was organically grown.


The tea that was made into maccha tea was from Aichi Prefecture, east of Mie Prefecture, even though the company who made the maccha tea is a tea grower and blender in Mie Prefecture.

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Japanese Seaweed Radiation Doubles

Michael Collins

On Apr 13, 2012 tested Nori seaweed from Japan bought in a West Los Angeles store, the same one where this reporter bought the identical item eight months ago soon after the Fukushima Daiichi meltdowns began in Japan. The trendy and ‘organic’ delicacy, popular with LA hipsters, was 94.7% above normal, 17.6% of that additional ionization indicative of alpha radiation which can be 60 to 1,000 times more dangerous than beta and gamma radiation.

These tests were performed with an Inspector Alert nuclear radiation monitor, the same detector has used in over 1,500 tests for Fukushima radiation beginning four days after the March 11, 2011 triple meltdowns at the destroyed Fukushima Daiichi six-reactor complex in Japan.


Last year, the seaweed was 54.2% higher than background therefore experienced a 10.0% decrease in ionization over nearly 8 months. That translates to a 15.4% decrease of the radionuclide(s) per year while in the bag.

Removed from the bag, the older seaweed was 55.0% higher than the previous background with 10.8% of background exceedance being alpha radiation. Last year, this same seaweed test out of the bag 67.2% above background meaning that it had decreased 12.2% in ionization for the period, or an 18.8% decrease including the alpha.

Read the entire article at:

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(UPDATED) Last Year’s Green Tea from Tokyo Found with 210 Bq/kg of Radioactive Cesium (by the Old Testing Method)

(UPDATE from Security Tokyo on April 29, 2012:

Cs-134: 86 becquerels/kg
Cs-137: 128 becquerels/kg
Total: 214 becquerels/kg

Margin of error (Cs-137): 5 becquerels/kg


The number is below the provisional safety limit of 500 becquerels/kg that was in effect till April 1 this year, and would be above the new safety limit of 100 becquerels/kg if the testing method for green tea remained the same.

Well it didn’t. Starting April 1, 2012, you only test green tea after it’s brewed, and test the liquid. If that tests less than 10 becquerels/kg, it is supposed to be “safe” as far as the regulation goes.

But Security Tokyo, a private entity that has been conducting the very precise, professional measuring of radioactive materials using the calibrated germanium semiconductor detector, is testing the green tea (“Sayama-cha”) made in Tokyo last year the old way – measuring the dry leaves.

Article continues at:

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Local official purged for being against spreading radiation

Posted by Mochizuki on April 28th, 2012

Mr. Murata Tomoaki, a town councilor of Manazuru town in Kanagawareceived resignation advisory resolution from town council.

He is blamed for commenting they should not spread radioactive incineration ash from Kanto to western Japan on twitter.

In January, groundwater of disposal site turned out to be contaminated because of incineration ash from Yugawara town and Manazuru town, incineration ash became unable to be process in Kanagawa prefecture. Yugawara town is known to be Onsen resort place, Manazuru town is known for fishery products.
Health unions of both towns were asking a private disposal site in Nara to take the incineration ash. Having this situation, on 3/3/2012, Mr. Murata tweeted, incineration ash from Kanto is more contaminated than western Japan. It spreads radiation to all over Japan so he is against it. The ash should be process in Kanagawa prefecture.

Similar comments followed his tweet, the private disposal site decided not to accept the contaminated incineration ash on 3/7/2012.
The unions are seeking for other disposal site, the ash is kept out of the town at the moment.
The radiation level was 144 ~ 490 Bq/Kg.

Manazuru town council blames him for mentioning radioactive contamination on twitter, want him to take “moral responsibility“.
On 4/27/2012, Manazuru town councilor passed resignation resolution recommendations of him.

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Tokyo Suburb: Children playing on dirt with “huge amounts of radioactivity” — Includes alpha particles — Cesium levels so high it prevented identification of other isotopes

Title: Radio-isotopic Analysis of Post-Fukushima Accident Japanese Soil Samples
Author: Thomas Watson
Date: March 3, 2012

At 7:10 in

  • Kashiwa City soil near rain spout from someone’s yard @ 97,500 Bq/kg […]
  • That is an exceeding large amount of radioactivity to find in somebody’s soil.
  • The most unfortunate place was in a child’s playground, also in Kashiwa City.
  • This playground had a radioactivity in dirt that children play on of @ 41,500 Bq/kg.
  • I detected Cs-137 and Cs-134.They were so high they clouded everything else. There was nothing else I was able to detect as a result of it.
  • Very active, huge amounts of radioactivity.
  • Little children play on this everyday.
Article continues at:

Good evening, Handa, Japan 🙂  Thanks for checking in!

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Heads up So. Cal:

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Know any good therapists who speak Japanese with knowledge of the culture of the region?

5% in Fukushima poll need therapy

FUKUSHIMA — A health survey of Fukushima Prefecture residents has found that of the nearly 90,000 who responded, more than 5 percent are in immediate need of psychological therapy, prefectural authorities said.

The prefecture reported the findings at a meeting of experts Thursday, revealing that 4,602, or 5.2 percent, of the 88,613 residents who replied to the mental stress survey by the end of March urgently require mental health counseling.

The survey targeted about 210,000 residents in emergency zones created due to the nuclear crisis. Residents were handed interview sheets with multiple questions, asking for example whether they were having trouble falling asleep or experiencing difficulty in concentrating.

Of those in need of immediate care, 1,311 were junior high school students or younger and the other 3,291 were of high school age or above, according to the prefecture.

A separate poll of pregnant women in the prefecture, meanwhile, showed that of the 8,886 who responded, some 1,298, or 14.6 percent, displayed symptoms of depression or extreme anxiety.

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Prof. Takeda “3/31/2015 is the last day of Japan”

Posted by Mochizuki on April 27th, 2012

Prof. Takeda Kunihiko from Chubu university roughly estimated anyone can no longer live in Japan after 3/31/2015.

According to his explanation, the yearly dose will reach 5mSv/y (External dose and the slight internal dose) in 3 years and 4 months from January of 2012.

He states, he receives radiation data from one of his readers. The person measures radiation three times a day, at work, doorway of house, and the living room in Mie prefecture (500km from Fukushima). Prof. Takeda admits the data is scientific enough.

From the radiation level has been in the increasing trend since last September. In linear equations (y=ax+b), the average from January to March (=b) is 0.10 μSv/h, a is +0.004 μSv/h. y reaches 5mSv/y in 3 years and 3 months, so yearly dose will be over 5mSv/y in 3 years and 4 months from January of 2012, when is 3/31/2015.

Prof. Takeda admits the data was collected by an individual and a and b are calculated by least squares but it’s rational enough.

The reason why radiation level is increasing is not explained.


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From EX-SKF:

Reporting by #Fukushima Local Newspaper: Root Cause of the Fukushima Accident

Fukushima Minpo, local Fukushima paper, has a very interesting series on the background of the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant accident. Looking back 10, 20 years or more, the paper tries to identify the root cause of the accident on the local level, on the prefectural level, and the national level through the eyes of the local or prefectural government.

I haven’t read the whole series (9 articles so far) myself, but I want to share the snippets that are still astounding after all that has happened since March 11, 2011, and point to the mentality that may have still existed when the accident happened, which may be uniquely Japanese.

For the national government, a nuclear power plant was not supposed to have an accident and therefore an accident would never happen and there would be no need to train the residents for emergency that would never happen. For the prefectural government, there was no such word as “severe accident”. If they didn’t mention the word, it wouldn’t happen.

Article continues at: 

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From ENENEWS at:

Japan medical doctors coming to America to tell of Fukushima’s under-reported health consequences

Title: Press Conference on Fukushima Daiichi Disaster
Source: Physicians for Social Responsibility
Date: Apr 27, 2012

[…] A press conference about the on-going, rarely publicized, and still grave situation around the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors, featuring a nuclear scientist from Japan, and first hand medical reports of clinical and on site observations in Japan related to the Fukushima radiological contamination. Discussion will include the immediate needs to protect Japanese citizens now living in contaminated areas, for better monitoring of radioactive content of food, and for the cessation of incineration and burying of radioactive tsunami rubble throughout Japan.

Featuring: Mr. Hiroaki Koide, Assistant Professor, Research Reactor Institute of Kyoto University, Japan; Dr. Junro Fuse, Internist, Japan; Dr. Ken Nakayama, Orthopedic Surgeon, Japan […]

Mr. Koide, the best-known nuclear scientist and concerned medical doctors from Japan and USA will share their experiences and speak about the on-going nuclear crisis in Fukushima. They will discuss the under-reported health consequences after the nuclear disaster, health risks resulting from inadequate food safety standards, and the environmental dispersion of radioactive materials by government burning of radioactive disaster debris. […]


May 4, 2012
New York City, New York
Time: 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Location: Rissho Kosei-kai, 320 East 39th Street (between First Ave. & Second Ave.)

Read the report here

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Yawn. TEPCO, put everything back the way it was before it broke, and THEN talk rate hikes. Restarts are not on the table.

Tepco 10-year reform plan submitted

Home rate hike, reactor restarts part of bid to remain solvent


Tokyo Electric Power Co. and a state-backed bailout fund handed the government Friday a 10-year restructuring plan to stave off insolvency amid the massive costs it faces stemming from the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant crisis.

Tepco’s comprehensive special business plan, if approved by industry minister Yukio Edano, would pave the way for the injection of ¥1 trillion in public funds into the nation’s biggest utility as early as July, when it is also planning to hike household electric rates by some 10 percent.

Article continues at:

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More on this from EX-SKF:

TEPCO to Raise Utility Charges for Households to Pay for Decommissioning #Fukushima Reactors

The company wants to raise the utility charges by 700 yen (US$8.70) per average household whose utility bill is 6,973 yen per month. If the national government approves, the rate hike will be effective in July.
Article continues at:

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Spectrum measurement of black substance

Posted by Mochizuki on April 27th, 2012

Related to this article..4.2 million Bq/Kg of cesium from Black substance and microscope pics

Gamma spectrum of black substance was recorded.


This is a sample from Fukushima a 3g of… of “Black powder” is highly cumulated radioactive dirt contains a bunch of Cs134,137 and maybe other fission products like Pu,Am,Ra etc in some amount. I received a report it says just 60g or 100g of this recorded over 600,000 Becquerels/kg in the testing. In Minamisoma city Fukushima prefecture about 25 km from Fukushima Daiichi power plant there are over 1million to 3million Bqs/kg of this stuff has been finding already. This sample isn’t from Minamisoma. but it’s high enough radiation coming from. gives about 10000cpm on my Ludlum. calibration:14000cpm/usvh.



This video shows you the gamma spectrum of 3g of the black substance.

It is compared to other 2 samples, taken in Tokyo (1800Bq/Kg) and calibration sources of Cs137 (3700Bq/kg). When it measures the sample from Tokyo, it takes time to show the cesium peak, but when it measures black substance, the three peaks of cesium 134 and 137 appear immediately. It’s almost the same or faster than when it measures the calibration sources.
Roughly estimating, this 3g of sample may contain 4500Bq of cesium.
This is everywhere in Fukushima and children are stuck in such a place.




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Kindergarteners clean mailboxes to show appreciation, as activity for “Memorial Day for Postal Services”

Radioactive Japan: Small Children Polish Mailboxes in High Radiation Area of Date City, #Fukushima

Horror never ends.

I posted the photo of a peach juice can from JA Date City in Fukushima the other day. The juice had 34 becquerels/kg of radioactive cesium.

Here’s the photo of kindergarten children in the same Date City cleaning the mailbox in appreciation for the hard work by mailmen every day. This particular district of Date City, Ryozen-machi, is 50 kilometers from Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant. The district is dotted with known “hot spots” with elevated radiation. Many locations measured by the cityexceeded 1 microsievert/hour at 1 meter off the ground, some exceeding 3 microsieverts/hour (parks) last year. Even at the end of March this year, the highest is 1.28 microsievert/hour in a park at 1 meter off the ground.

That didn’t stop this particular kindergarten from going through with the routine of thanking the mailmen. I wonder if they did it last year also.

Article continues at:

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1,618 indirect deaths related to quake disaster recognized

The Reconstruction Agency announced on April 27 that as of March 31 this year, there had been 1,618 indirect deaths related to the Great East Japan Earthquake disasters in Tokyo and nine prefectures.

The number is much higher than the 919 such deaths that followed the 1995 Great Hanshin Earthquake. Combined with direct deaths and the missing, the total number of Great East Japan Earthquake dead or missing is thought to exceed 20,000.

Article continues at:

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From ENENEWS at:

Kyodo: Gov’t says 1,000s in Fukushima need “immediate psychological care” after filling out survey — Trouble sleeping and concentrating

Title: 5% of Fukushima residents need immediate psychological care, survey says
Source: Kyodo
Date: Apr. 27, 2012

About 5 percent of nearly 90,000 Fukushima Prefecture residents who responded to a health monitoring survey need immediate psychological care, the Fukushima prefectural government said Thursday. […]

The result was based on responses on interview sheets that included questions such as if they were having trouble falling asleep and if they were unable to concentrate.

Of those needing immediate care, 3,291 were of high school age or older and 1,311 were of junior high school age or younger […]

In a separate survey of pregnant [Fukushima] women […] 1,298, 14.6 percent of the 8,886 who responded, showed signs of depression or strong anxiety. […]

Read the report here

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NHK News: “30 People Died of Acute Radiation Sickness in Chernobyl Accident”

That’s the only deaths that NHK mentions in the news on April 26, 2012, on the 26th anniversary of the Chernobyl Nuclear Plant accident.

Article continues with translation of NHK article at:

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Like one of the Pyramids being held up with toothpicks. Note the pins dislodged from their locations in the reactor:

Video of Inside Reactor 4 Bldg at #Fukushima I Nuke Plant

Skip to the 2:40 mark. You get to see the scene around the Reactor 4 building briefly, then inside the building and the top floor where the Spent Fuel Pool is.

The video was taken on April 24, 2012 when the vice minister of the cabinet office visited the plant.

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7-fold increase in radioactive cesium being released from Reactor No. 2 during April (CHART)

 Article continues (with charts) at:

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News Navigator: What is thyroid gland cancer and its relation to radiation?

There are concerns that radiation from the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant may cause thyroid gland cancer. The Mainichi answers common questions readers may have about this cancer.

Question: Why is there concern about thyroid gland cancer?

Answer: After the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster, thyroid gland cancer increased among children who ate foods contaminated with radioactive iodine. The surge in thyroid gland cancer started four years after the disaster, and the progress of the cancer is slow, so in the case of the Fukushima disaster, an increase in thyroid gland cancer would not be seen yet.

At Chernobyl, thyroid gland cancer increased after radiation exposure equivalent to around 10 sieverts across one’s lifetime. In the case of Fukushima, regulations on radioactive food were soon put in place, so the amount of radioactive exposure is much less, and medical professionals have projected that thyroid gland cancer cases will not increase.

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Watch: Local Fukushima official films radioactive whirlwind — “All black dust has been also blown away” (VIDEO)

Source: Koichi Oyama
Published by: amuosim
Date: Apr 21, 2012

Land dust is blown in the downtown and residential area from the radiation-contaminated farm land with the level of several thousands of becquerel per square meter. All black dust has been also blown away and gone.

“Protection against internal exposure is a must but the administration will never take action!” – From the English-translated version of Oyama Koichi’s blog, who is a member of the city council of Minamisōma city in Fukushima.

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Official: Plutonium detected in black substance from Minamisoma (PHOTOS)

Comments by Koichi Oyama translated by Fukushima Diary:

  • Sample was taken after decontamination.
  • The sample contains soil, sand, and water other than black substance. (Water ratio is not announced.)
  • Sample to consist of only black substance and water (Moisture content = 71.4%) contains 309,000 Bq/Kg of cesium and it’s 1,080,000 Bq/Kg when it’s dry. It therefore will be more than 3 times higher if it doesn’t content sand, soil or water.
  • Pu238/Pu239+240 used to be 0.027 before 311. This result shows it’s 0.808.
  • The analysis was done by Japan Chemical Analysis Center, which is outsourced by the government.

More from Mochizuki:

  • 0.038 Bq/Kg (2.47Bq/m2) of Plutonium 238 was measured in Minamisoma.
  • They also measured 0.047 Bq/Kg ofPlutonium 239 and 240, and 0.73 Bq/Kg of Plutonium 241.
  • 8.5 Bq/Kg of Strontium 89, and 50 Bq/Kg of Strontium 90 was also measured.

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TEPCO to recalculate potential tsunami height near Niigata nuke plant

Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) announced April 26 that it will recalculate the height of a potential tsunami that may strike its Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant in Niigata Prefecture.

The move was pushed forward after four prefectures located along the Sea of Japan released their own estimates, which state that the scale of a potential earthquake in the area where the nuclear plant is located is in fact up to around 2.8 times stronger than what TEPCO has estimated.

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*Warning – Graphic* Photographer: “My first reaction was I was looking at a different race of people” — Brain outside of skull, kidneys outside of torso, legs resembling elephant — Some doctors feel strongly there will be no more Belarus people in future (VIDEO)

Follow-up to: Russian Gov’t Radio: “The number of victims has reached one million people today” — Consequences of Chernobyl meltdown are endless and uncontrollable

Title: The Legacy of Chernobyl
Source: The Nation Blog
Author: Laura Flanders
Date: Apr 26, 2012

[…] To get a sense of just what those tens of millions live at risk of, take a look at these photographs by award winning photographer Paul Fusco. Earlier this month I had a the honor of participating in the fourth Schuneman Symposium held at the Scripps School of Journalism at Ohio University. Among the speakers was Fusco, an extraordinary MAGNUM photographer who traveled to the Ukraine to see the legacy of Chernobyl after twenty years. Fusco expected to stay two weeks. He stayed for two months, following parents, children, nurses and cancer patients.

“It changed my life. I couldn’t leave. It was so immense in its implications. There is so much damage to so many people in so many ways…” says Fusco. […]


My first reaction was I was looking at a different race of people because the damage was so incredible.

Part 12

It was like a different race, kids on the floor […] they roll, they slither […] they’re like pack animals

Part 17

Some of the doctors told me they thought there would be no more Belarus people, this would wipe them out. […] They felt it very strongly and they were afraid.

Watch video here

Article continues at: 


In Japan, a Mothers Movement Against Nuclear Power

YES Magazine l Heidi Hutner  25 April, 2012

The Fukushima disaster has brought a powerful new demographic to Japan’s anti-nuclear movement: mothers.

Tomoi Zeiner by Heidi Hutner

Tomoi Zeimer and her adopted daughter. Photo Heidi Hutner

Pregnant With Fear anti-nuclear rally and march in NYC, commemorating the one-year anniversary of the Fukushima disaster.

On the one-year anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, Japanese women in New York City gathered for a rally they called Pregnant With Fear of Radiation. Protestors wore fake pregnant bellies, or carried posters with images of pregnant women wearing face masks.

Well aware that fetuseschildren under five, and women are at the greatest risk from radiation exposure, mothers have emerged as a powerful voice in Japan’s growing anti-nuclear movement.

To call attention to their message, the mothers have organized marches, petitioned government officials, fasted, and held months-long sit-ins in public locations. They regularly wear symbols of maternity and motherhood in deliberately confrontational ways.

The mothers call for action on multiple fronts. Most immediately, they demand the evacuation of all the families of Fukushima, where radiation emissions continue. They ask for tougher safety standards for food and drink in Japan, and an end to the practice of spreading and burning radioactive rubble from the contaminated zone throughout the country’s various prefectures. And, to prevent future disasters, they call for the permanent closure of all nuclear power plants in Japan and throughout the world.

“I couldn’t wait anymore for someone else to take action.”

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Part 4,Inside Story of 311 Earthquake Mapping Fukushima 031212 211307

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Radioactive Japan: People Invited to Eat Cesium Beef from Iwate

This is the copy of the printed version of Fukushima Minpo on April 25, 2012, a local newspaper in Fukushima:

The reporter signs off as “Kyodo News”, but reading the postscript part of the article it is clear that this is the original Fukushima Minpo article. It was probably fed to Kyodo News, as Fukushima Minpo is a member of Kyodo News.

What does it say?

The series title in the upper right corner: “New Happiness in Japan – Measure”

The article title in the middle: “Think what “food safety” means”

The subtitle of the article: “Cesium beef offered at an event”

From this information, if you conjure up the image of the gist of the article as “OK, the happiness in Japan in post-Fukushima is to gladly eat beef known to contain radioactive cesium to help producers as long as it is measured and disclosed properly, and that’s food safety”, I’ll give you an A.

Quick translation (main article only, subject to revision later, maybe):

It was quiet in the office district on Sunday. It was March 11 afternoon, one year anniversary of the disaster. Couples with children, middle-aged men in jeans were entering a 12-story public building off the busy streets in Shinjuku, Tokyo.

On the tables in the kitchen that is used for cooking classes were the plates with hamburgers just cooked. Mitsuhiro Anada (age 40) told the people in the kitchen, “These contain 6 becquerels/kg [of radioactive cesium]. Please let me know if you don’t want to eat them. We have also prepared cesium-free ones.” About 30 people then sat at the table and started to eat.

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From ENENEWS at:

UPI: Active geological fault lies directly beneath Japan reactor — Yomiuri: “Extremely uncertain” if it can be reactivated

Title: Fault under nuclear plant feared active / Doubt cast on reactivation of Tsuruga plant
Source: The Yomiuri Shimbun
Date: Apr 26, 2012

A panel of the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) has suggested that faults beneath the Tsuruga nuclear power plant in Tsuruga, Fukui Prefecture, may be active–potentially putting the plant in violation of the government’s criterion that prohibits building nuclear reactors above active faults. […]However, the Great East Japan Earthquake changed the stress patterns applied to the layers of rock beneath Japan, and it may now be easier for earthquakes to be triggered by different mechanisms from past ones. Therefore, reexamination of past research on faults has become necessary. […]

Thus it has become extremely uncertain whether the plant’s reactors will be able to be reactivated.

Experts have also voiced doubts about interlocking active faults beneath Monju, a fast breeder reactor of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency in Tsuruga; Hokkaido Electric Power Co.’s Tomari nuclear power plant; Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear power plant in Niigata Prefecture; and Chugoku Electric Power Co.’s Shimane nuclear power plant in Matsue. […]

Read the report here

Title: Fault lies beneath Japan nuclear reactor
Source: UPI
Date: April 25, 2012

An active geological fault lies directly beneath one of two reactors at a nuclear power plant in western Japan, the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said.The nuclear watchdog agency’s finding, announced Tuesday night, reverses an earlier assessment, and if the fault is confirmed as active, Japan Atomic Power Co. would be forced to decommission the No. 2 reactor at the Tsuruga nuclear plant in Fukui Prefecture, The Japan Times reported. […]

Read the report here

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Tokyo’s Hachioji city providing financial aid to March 11 disaster-relief volunteers

Hachioji City’s Council of Social Welfare in Tokyo is providing volunteers who have worked in the three most severely affected areas of last year’s March 11 triple disasters with financial aid.

Individuals who have worked in Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures as volunteers after November 2011, are entitled to receive a maximum 10,000 per person, which is meant to cover their transportation, lodging and other expenses related to their disaster relief work.

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Shaken medical staff more likely to suffer PTSD

A survey of medical staff who were sent to areas hit by the March 11th earthquake and tsunami in northeastern Japan last year shows that the more emotionally shaken they were, the more likely they are to feel post-traumatic stress.

Researchers from the National Disaster Medical Center surveyed on a regular basis, 173 doctors and nurses who were sent to the disaster areas after March 11th last year.

Four months after the disaster, 6 percent of the staff reported flashbacks and other serious psychological aftereffects.

Many of them said they felt ashamed of becoming emotional during relief activities, or that they almost lost their self control.

Psychologist Yutaka Matsuoka says the survey results suggest many medical personnel are bound by a sense of duty that they must remain calm at all times as professionals.

He says that to prevent post-traumatic stress disorder, the medical staff should be informed before and after their activities that emotional stress is natural in difficult situations and that they should be given counseling.

Thursday, April 26, 2012 11:00 +0900 (JST)


I came across this speech today. In 1879, Chief Joseph, leader of the Nez Perce Nation traveled to Washington, D.C., to give it. I was struck by the similarities then and now – a government (and today a company as well), lying to the people with “good words”, yet nothing is done to protect these people, their lands, their animals, their children.

History repeating itself in a different land, under different circumstances.

“I cannot understand how the Government sends a man to fight us, as it did General Miles, and then he breaks his word. Such a government has something wrong with it. I cannot understand why so many chiefs are allowed to talk so many different ways and promise so many different things. I have seen the Great Spirit and many other law chiefs, and they all say they are my friends, and that I shall have justice, but while all their mouths talk right, I do not understand why nothing is done for my people. I have heard talk and talk, but nothing, it seems, is done. Words do not pay for my dead people. They do not pay for my country now overrun by white men. They do not protect my father’s grave. They do not pay for the horses and cattle. Good words do not give me back my children. Good words will not make good the promise of your war chief, General Miles. Good words will not give my people good health and stop them from dying. Good words will not give my people a home where they can live in peace and take care of themselves. I am tired of talk that comes to nothing. It makes my heart sick when I remember all the good words and all the broken promises. There has been too much talking by men who had no right to talk.”

(Found at:  

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From EX-SKF (link below):

Tsuruga Nuke Plant Reactor 2 May Have Been Sitting on Top of Active Fault All These Years

As the mayor of Tsuruga City was strongly promoting nuclear power generation in the county in China that has a nuclear power plant with 6 operating reactors and 4 under construction, the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency warned the operator of Tsuruga Nuclear Power Plant that Reactor 2 of the plant may be sitting on an active fault.

Even in Japan, the national guideline is not expecting a reactor to be built on top of an active fault.

Reactor 2 of Tsuruga Nuclear Power Plant is a pressurized water reactor made by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. Reactor 1 is a light water reactor by GE. Tsuruga’s Reactor 2 was considered to be one of the better made PWRs in Japan. Both reactors have been shut down for regular maintenance.

Construction of Reactor 2 started in 1982, and the reactor started operation in 1987.

Two more reactors are being built at Tsuruga Nuke Plant. The reactors will be Advanced Pressurized Water Reactors (APWR) by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. If they proceed with the construction, that is.

From NHK News (4/25/2012):


“An active fault” at Tsuruga Nuclear Power Plant to be studied again

An expert has pointed out the possibility that cracks that run under Tsuruga Nuclear Power Plant in Fukui Prefecture are active faults. The Japan Atomic Power Company (JAPC) is going to do the survey again and come up with the plan.

On April 24, an expert in active faults and officials from the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) studied the area where the strata are exposed at JAPC’s Tsuruga Nuclear Power Plant in Tsuruga City in Fukui Prefecture. They particularly looked at the crack called “fracture zone”.

As the result, the expert pointed out that the crack that runs underground at about 150 meters west of Reactor 2 “may be an active fault, and it may move together with the active fault called Urazoko Fault that runs through the compound, making the shaking from an earthquake bigger than anticipated”.

There is another crack that runs right beneath Reactor 2. It needs to be studied to determine if it is also an active fault. NISA has instructed JAPC to do the survey again.

Read the entire article at:

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News about the active fault under the Tsuruga plant also appeared in Yahoo News this morning:


時事通信 4月24日(火)20時57分配信


Japan nuclear plant may be permanently shut down because of quake risk — Fault line found 500 feet from reactor on Tuesday


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Published on Tuesday, April 24, 2012 by Institute for Policy Studies

Why Fukushima Is a Greater Disaster than Chernobyl and a Warning Sign for the US

The radioactive inventory of all the irradiated nuclear fuel stored in spent fuel pools at Fukushima is far greater and even more problematic than the molten cores.

In the aftermath of the world’s worst nuclear power disaster, the news media is just beginning to grasp that the dangers to Japan and the rest of the world posed by the Fukushima-Dai-Ichi site are far from over.   After repeated warnings by former senior Japanese officials, nuclear experts, and now a U.S. Senator, it is sinking in that the irradiated nuclear fuel stored in spent fuel pools amidst the reactor ruins may have far greater potential offsite consequences  than the molten cores.

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From Fukushima311watchdogs at:

Hunger strikes outside METI

April 24, 2012: Group of hunger strikers camped outside of Ministry of Economy in Tokyo for over a week in protest of Ohi restart

Euronews reports that a group of hunger strikers camped outside the Ministry of Economy in central Toyko for the last week are protesting against the Japanese government’s plans to restart two of the country’s nuclear reactors.

One demonstrator said he wanted last year’s Fukushima disaster never to be repeated again.

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Reactor safety not part of politicians’ brief: Hashimoto

Osaka mayor weighs in against Oi restarts


Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto, who leads an up-and-coming political group, conveyed his opposition Tuesday to the early restart of idled nuclear reactors in Fukui Prefecture during a meeting with Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura in Tokyo.

Osaka Gov. Ichiro Matsui, who serves as secretary general of the group, called Osaka Ishin no Kai (One Osaka), also attended the meeting, where he and Hashimoto made eight proposals for the government’s nuclear policy.

“It is absolutely wrong for politicians to play a leading role in judging the safety of nuclear reactors,” Hashimoto said during the meeting with Fujimura at the prime minister’s office.

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Mainichi: Decontamination failed and abandoned after Chernobyl — Residents allowed back, forced to leave again due to radiation — Now no return for centuries says Zone official

Read the entire article at:

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Read the entire article at:

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With clean-up around Chernobyl abandoned, what can Japan learn from 1986 disaster?

CHERNOBYL, Ukraine — April 26 will mark the 26th anniversary of the worst case of nuclear contamination in history: the 1986 Chernobyl disaster. Since the meltdowns at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant in March last year, the Japanese government has shown interest in decontamination and other projects around Chernobyl as a reference point for efforts to deal with its own nuclear disaster.

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 From EX-SKF at:

34 Bq/kg of Radioactive Cesium from Peach Juice from Date City, #Fukushima

(From @tomynyo on Twitter)

34 becquerels/kg of radioactive cesium found from a can of peach juice from last year’s crop that was on sale recently. Not to worry, it is under the new and stricter safety standard of 100 becquerels/kg set by the national government of Japan, so much safer than the international standard, says the Minister of Agriculture.

On the can, it says:

Straight (meaning the juice is not the blend)


Blessings of Peach (桃の恵み)

100% Juice

JA Date Mirai (name of the agriculture producer co-op in Date City, Fukushima; “mirai” is “future” in Japanese)

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Spouting the same old line…

If reactors are deemed safe, restart them, OECD head urges


The head of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development urged Japan on Tuesday to restart nuclear reactors that have been deemed safe to ensure a stable power supply.

OECD Secretary General Angel Gurria told reporters in Tokyo that the organization supports Japan’s continuing “to have an important nuclear capacity to generate electricity,” despite growing public opposition to atomic power in light of the nuclear disaster at Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s Fukushima No.1 power plant.


Given that nuclear power accounted for around 30 percent of Japan’s energy supply before the March 2011 earthquake-tsunami disaster crippled the Fukushima plant, Gurria said, “You cannot substitute 30 percent of installed capacity overnight.”

Read the entire article at:

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In March Last Year, NISA Officials Had Withdrawn from #Fukushima I Nuke Plant Before TEPCO Did

Sankei Shinbun never liked Naoto Kan. For that matter, none of the Japanese mainstream media outlets liked him. While he was in charge of the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant accident as the prime minister of Japan, they were highly critical of his handling of the accident. That seems to have stopped after Noda was elected as the party leader and prime minister; they hardly snickered at Noda’s declaration of “cold shutdown state”.

Article continues at:

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For readers on the west coast of the U.S.:

Nuclear Hotseat #45 – Arnie Gundersen on San Onofre – EXCLUSIVE!


An exclusive Nuclear Hotseat interview with Arnie Gundersen of on San Onofre, how and when the problems happened with the steam generators, and the dangers of even thinking about a restart this summer (as SCE has announced they are planning to do).

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Fukushima This Week: Continuing Risk, Growing Anxiety, Japan Gears Up To Go Nuclear-Free

Concerns about the spent fuel pool at Fukushima Daiichi’s Reactor No. 4 spread to the US, with Senator Ron Wyden urging more international cooperation to bring a potentially highly dangerous situation, with large quantities of radioactive material exposed to the environment and immediately adjacent to the ocean, under control. Wyden wrote in his letter to the Japanese Ambassador in Washington: “The precarious status of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear units and the risk presented by the enormous inventory of radioactive materials and spent fuel in the event of further earthquake threats should be of concern to all and a focus of greater international support and assistance.”

Reactor No. 4 at the ravaged Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear complex in Japan, in November 2011. (AP Photo/David Guttenfelder)

Unit 4’s roof was destroyed by the hydrogen explosion, which occurred in the early days of the crisis, and its spent fuel pool, now exposed to the environment, contains even more spent fuel than other pools on site. Even if clearing the huge amount of debris away from the area goes according to plan, TEPCO doesn’t anticipatebeing able to remove the fuel rods until later in 2013.

… Meanwhile, every time a large earthquake rocks eastern Japan (quite frequently) people even as far away as Tokyo wonder if No. 4 will hold up this time, or they will be plunged back into a full-scale emergency.

Article continues at:



Arnie… explaining it all once again, in very clear language. if you’ve never heard him, please listen. (Californians – listen to Part 4.)

Arnie Gundersen on KGO Radio Pat Thurston Program

Arnie Gundersen, anti-nuclear “expert” on Pat Thurston KGO Radio program on April 15, 2012 plus transcript of Segment #2 of the 4 segments.
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Fukushima air to stay radioactive in 2022


FUKUSHIMA — A decade from now, airborne radiation levels in some parts of Fukushima Prefecture are still expected to be dangerous at above 50 millisieverts a year, a government report says.

News photo

The report, which contains projections through March 2032, was presented by trade minister Yukio Edano Sunday to leaders of Futaba, one of the towns that host the crippled Fukushima No. 1 power plant.

The report includes radiation forecasts for 2012 to 2014, and for 2017, 2022 and 2032, based on the results of monitoring in November last year. It was compiled to help municipalities draw up recovery and repopulation programs for the nuclear disaster.

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Edano’s take on restarting nuclear power plants in Japan

Has Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Yukio Edano been wavering over the restarting of nuclear reactors in Japan? Last weekend I met and interviewed him, and the comment that left the greatest impression on me was: “I don’t want to become a Robespierre.”

Maximilien Robespierre (1758-1794), was a leader in the French Revolution, and his name is symbolic of the Reign of Terror. Robespierre was a lawyer faithful to ideals. Once he grasped power, however, he introduced radical reforms and executed political foes, and in the end he himself was executed.

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Many disaster-hit farmers unable to restart farming: gov’t report

TOKYO, April 24, Kyodo

More than half of farmers affected by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami disaster in northeastern Japan remain unable to resume farming activities, the government said in its annual report released Tuesday.

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Part of #Fukushima Will Still Be Above 20 Millisieverts/Year 20 Years from Now

That’s according to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), which continues to be in charge of regulating the nuclear industry because the new and (supposedly) improved Nuclear Regulatory Agency under the Ministry of the Environment is still nowhere to be seen or heard (and likely not to be seen or heard for a very long time, as things are going at this time).

Article continues at:

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Namie-Machi Resident’s Suicide Considered as Protest Against #Fukushima Nuke Plant/Accident By Town’s Residents, According to Asahi’s “Trap of Prometheus”

Since Asahi has moved the worthy series to the paid subscribers-only section and has been aggressively going after any blog sites that dare re-post the installments of the series, all I can do is to do the meta-analysis – referring to the post of someone who has read the article and commented on it.

Here’s one from a non-fiction writer Ryuichi Akiba, commenting on the April 23 installment of “Trap of Prometheus”. The headline of this particular installment, according to Akiba, is “Everything was completely robbed”.

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Photos of Reactor 4 at #Fukushima I Nuke Plant with Senior Vice Minister of Cabinet Office

It looks like the government’s PR effort to show that the Reactor 4 spent fuel pool and the top floors of the Reactor 4 building are not toppling over.

Vice Minister Ikko Nakatsuka is a DPF politician elected from Kanagawa Prefecture. He is also the Vice Minister of the Reconstruction Agency.

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The Highest Risk: Problems of Radiation at Reactor Unit 4, Fukushima Daiichi

Shaun Burnie, Matsumura Akio and Murata Mitsuhei

The Risks to Japan From Fukushima

Shaun Burnie

Comment on the article by Matsumura Akio and correspondence of Murata Mitsuhei.

The efforts of two Japanese citizens to raise awareness of the risk of a further major accident at Fukushima are to be commended. More than 13 months after the accident began – the threats from the Fukushima Daiichi site are multi-dimensional and on-going, but the under reporting of these risks as a result of nuclear crisis fatigue tied with the 24 hour news cycle can lead to a complacency on the current and future reality at the site.

The specific issue highlighted by Matsumura and Murata is the risk and consequences of the failure of the spent fuel pool at the destroyed reactor unit 4 at Fukushima Daiichi. As they report the spent fuel inventory at this pool is the largest of all 4 reactors that were destroyed by the earthquake and tsunami in March 2011.

Article continues at:



Today’s headlines….

Group fails to report plans for plutonium


The Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan has violated government policy by failing to compile a plan on how it intends to use the half ton of plutonium it expects to extract from spent fuel in fiscal 2012, sources said Saturday.

The deadline was March 31, when fiscal 2011 ended. Without a plan, Japan could come under international fire again for its blatant lack of transparency, given the risks of the plutonium being diverted for nuclear weapons use or terrorism.

Japan has around 30 tons of plutonium sitting around for nuclear power generation, but only a few kilograms are needed for a nuclear weapon.

At the end of 2009, Japan had the fifth-largest stores of plutonium for nonmilitary use, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency.

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More from the Huffington Post:

The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Is Far From Over

by Robert Alvarez

Spent reactor fuel, containing roughly 85 times more long-lived radioactivity than released at Chernobyl, still sits in pools vulnerable to earthquakes.

More than a year after the Fukushima nuclear power disaster began, the news media is just beginning to grasp that the dangers to Japan and the rest of the world are far from over. After repeated warnings by former senior Japanese officials, nuclear experts, and now a U.S. Senator, it’s sinking in that the irradiated nuclear fuel stored in spent fuel pools amidst the reactor ruins pose far greater dangers than the molten cores. This is why:

• Nearly all of the 10,893 spent fuel assemblies sit in pools vulnerable to future earthquakes, with roughly 85 times more long-lived radioactivity than released at Chernobyl

• Several pools are 100 feet above the ground and are completely open to the atmosphere because the reactor buildings were demolished by explosions. The pools could possibly topple or collapse from structural damage coupled with another powerful earthquake.

• The loss of water exposing the spent fuel will result in overheating and can cause melting and ignite its zirconium metal cladding resulting in a fire that could deposit large amounts of radioactive materials over hundreds, if not thousands of miles.


Last week, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) revealed plans to remove 2,274 spent fuel assemblies from the damaged reactors that will probably take at least a decade to accomplish. The first priority will be removal of the contents in Pool No. 4. This pool is structurally damaged and contains about 10 times more cesium-137 than released at Chernobyl. Removal of SNF from the No. 4 reactor is optimistically expected to begin at the end of 2013. A significant amount of construction to remove debris and reinforce the structurally-damaged reactor buildings, especially the fuel- handling areas, will be required.

 Read the entire article at:

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Bigger jolts than projected could hit Tomari, Tsuruga nuke plants

TOKYO, April 23, Kyodo

Earthquakes larger than the maximum jolts anticipated under quake-resistant standards for nuclear power plants could occur around Hokkaido Electric Power Co.’s Tomari plant in Hokkaido Prefecture and Japan Electric Power Co.’s Tsuruga plant in Fukui Prefecture, electric power companies’ reports showed Monday.

The calculation was included in analyzes made by utilities at the request of the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency in the wake of the March 11, 2011, disaster. Utilities were asked to examine the possibility of interlocked movements on active faults around their nuclear power plants.

Possible quakes near Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s Kashiwazaki-Kariwa plant in Niigata Prefecture, Hokuriku Electric Power Co.’s Shiga plant in Ishikawa Prefecture, and Kansai Electric Power Co.’s Mihama and Oi plants in Fukui Prefecture were estimated to be smaller than the largest jolts anticipated in their design.

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No evacuation plans for 4.42 million residents near nuclear plants

Even after the disaster at the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant, almost all local governments in Hokkaido and 20 other prefectures are without comprehensive evacuation measures for a total of about 4.42 million residents within 30 kilometers of nuclear power plants, according to a tally by the Mainichi Shimbun.

Some of the municipalities are beset with potential traffic congestion and other problems and question if such evacuation programs are feasible in the first place. The Mainichi tally comes as the central government is trying to restart idled nuclear reactors despite the absence of sufficient evacuation measures across the densely populated country.

In the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear crisis, in March this year an expert panel of the Nuclear Safety Commission of Japan drew up a midterm report in which the government had decided to expand emergency planning zones (EPZs) within a radius of 8 to 10 kilometers of nuclear power plants to the 30-kilometer radius urgent protection action planning zone (UPZ).

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Nothing new here for readers of this blog or anyone who has been keeping up-to-date about the current state of affairs at Daiichi, but a good recap nonetheless:

Is Fukushima’s Doomsday Machine About To Blow? – OpEd

April 20, 2012

Mounting troubles at Japan’s hobbled Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear power plant now pose a real threat to human survival. If the area in which Unit 4 is struck by another 7.0 magnitude earthquake, there’s a 70 percent chance that “the entire fuel pool structure will collapse” and massive doses of lethal nuclear radiation will be released into the atmosphere. The disaster would release approximately “134 million curies is Cesium-137 — roughly 85 times the amount of Cs-137 released at Chernobyl as estimated by the U.S. National Council on Radiation Protection (NCRP).” Experts believe that the amounts are sufficient to “destroy the world environment and our civilization”, which makes containment “an issue of human survival.” (“The Greatest Single Threat to Humanity: Fuel Pool Number 4″, Washington’s blog)

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Projections released for radiation hot spots in Fukushima through 2032

FUKUSHIMA — The government on April 22 released six hot spot charts to show projected annual dose rates of radioactive materials spewing from the crippled Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant from the end of March this year through 2032.

The charts, based on airborne monitoring of radioactive contamination in November last year, compare annual dose rates in March this year with projections for 2013, 2014, 2017, 2022 and 2032.

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Trials and Tribulations of a Tea Drinker

I am an avid tea drinker. Green tea, to be exact. Ever since I gave up coffee years ago, it’s been my go-to bitter hot cup of comfort in the morning. But recent events have made me think twice about my favorite beverage.

Last year’s Fukushima disaster may have more or less disappeared from the headlines, but its nuclear fallout remains, and people are rightly concerned about the state of affected crops. While food from Japan is not routinely a concern of Americans—foods imported from Japan made up less than 4% of all foods imported by the U.S. in 2010—green tea aficionados like myself have cause to wonder.

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Giving Back to Japan

Public Event by SAFECAST

17:30 until 20:00
HITOTSUBASHI HALL, Hitotsubashi 2-1-2, 101-0003 Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Safecast volunteer and Mayor of Aizu Misato is one of the panel speakers and SAFECAST is participating at the event with an information booth showing equipment and handling any Q&A regarding radiation measurement.
On May 16, 2012, The Netherlands Chamber of Commerce and Tohoku Planning Forum, supported by 16 national chambers of commerce, will present GIVING BACK TO JAPAN 2: Community Leaders Report, a public forum featuring leaders of cities and towns across Tohoku, whose communities face different reconstruction issues and are at different stages of reconstruction.

The speakers will be:
Mr. Hidetoshi Watanabe (Mayor of Aizu Misato Machi, Fukushima)
Mr. Tsuneaki Iguchi (Mayor of Iwanuma Shi, Miyagi)
Mr. Kimiaki Toda (Mayor of Ofunato Shi, Iwate)
Mr. Yoshiaki Suda (Mayor of Onagawa Cho, Miyagi)
Mr. Kiichi Numazaki (Mayor of Yamada Machi, Iwate)

Television and radio presenter Peter Barakan will guide a discussion about communities’ rebuilding processes and ongoing needs, as well as allowing the elected officials to present their suggestions for ways in which individuals and organizations can help their communities toward their goals.

The forum will be followed by networking reception.
Doors open at 17 hrs.


 So…. is it okay or isn’t it?

Chernobyl expert takes a look at Tohoku’s trees


Special to The Japan Times

Somewhere between downtown Utsunomiya in Tochigi Prefecture, and the village of Ogisu an hour’s drive to the northeast, Dr. Tatsuhiro Ohkubo pulls over to buy a box of sakura mochi.

News photo
Science master: Ukrainian academic Sergiy Zibtsev, who has a wealth of experience dealing with radioactively contaminated forests, seen in Ogisu, Tochigi Prefecture, during his visit to Tohoku. WINIFRED BIRD

Back on the road, he passes one of the bright-pink rice cakes to the back seat for Dr. Sergiy Zibtsev, who is visiting Japan for the first time. His tall frame folded grasshopper-fashion into the small car, the Ukrainian forest ecologist bites into the salted cherry leaf wrapped around the rice cake.

“Mm,” he says. “What species is this?”

Ohkubo doesn’t miss a beat. “Prunus speciosa,” he says.

Ohkubo, 53, also a forest ecologist, can match Zibtsev thrust for thrust in Latin-laced banter. Despite the light mood, however, the pair’s mission on this late March morning is somber. They’re on their way to visit an organic farmer whose forests have been contaminated by radioactive fallout from the ongoing crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant about 100 km to the northeast.

 Article continues at:


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How the media plays the debris card. From:

Japan’s Emperor Speaks About Disaster Debris, And the Media Edits

Friday, April 20, 2012

The emperor of Japan, during the annual Spring Garden Party that he hosts, talked to the governor of Miyagi Prefecture and asked him about the disaster debris. Depending on the newspaper you read, you would get a different idea on what the emperor may have said.

Not surprisingly, Tokyo Shinbun ( focused on the concern that the emperor expressed regarding the disaster debris disposal:


His Imperial Majesty talked about the disaster debris processing with Governor Murai [of Miyagi Prefecture], and said “There are dangerous substances in the debris, aren’t there? Like asbestos? I hope you would take ample precaution in processing [the debris]”, expressing his consideration for the health of the workers.

Surprisingly, Sankei Shinbun is the close second (


His Majesty asked Governor Yoshihiro Murai of disaster-affected Miyagi Prefecture, “There are dangerous substances in the debris, aren’t there?” He continued, “I hope you would take ample precaution in processing [the debris]”, showing his consideration.

Nikkei Shinbun’s focus is not his concern for the dangerous substances in the debris but the success of wide-area disposal of the disaster debris (;av=ALL):


His Majesty asked Governor Murai “How is the disaster debris?” The governor answered, “We are receiving the warm support from all over the country to accept the debris. We will try our best to process it quickly.”

If you understand Japanese, the above quotes are taken from this blog (, which also has a video clip from the news.

People may remember the emperor’s speech ( during the memorial ceremony of the March 11, 2011, in which he spoke to the people who perished in the disaster and addressed the concern of radioactive contamination.

Posted on 2012-04-21 09:34:57 by dun renard

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Babies born this year may be working at Fukushima Daiichi one day

via ENENEWS at:

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TOMODACHI – Ayaka Ogawa’s Remarks (日本語, English Subtitles)

(h/t Senrinomichi)

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From ENENEWS at:

More from Lead Investigator: “The ‘nuclear lava’ melted the bottom of the containment vessel, leaking a huge amount of fission gasses and particles to the air and water”

Follow-up to: Japan Times on Melt Through: “Molten ‘lava’ melted bottom of containment vessel,” says nuclear engineer given access by top official — Huge amounts of fission materials released into environment

Title: World is ignoring most important lesson from Fukushima nuclear disaster
Source: Christian Science Monitor
Author: Kenichi Ohmae
Date: April 5, 2012

[…] Yet another false assumption involved the containment vessel, an invention of nuclear engineers to assure nearby inhabitants that, if there were an unimaginable accident and fission products leaked out of the core, they would be confined inside and not leak out into the external environment. This long-held myth was also broken by Fukushima No.1, as the molten fuel dropped through the pressure vessel and the “nuclear lava” melted the bottom of the containment vessel, leaking a huge amount of fission gasses and particles to the air and water. […]

Yomiuri: “The worst-case scenario is a China syndrome” […] A China syndrome refers to a situation in which nuclear fuel in a reactor melts and goes through a containment vessel –Masao Yoshida, former chief of the Fukushima Daiichi plant

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Soccer ball in Alaska traced to tsunami-hit city

One of the 2 sports balls that washed ashore on an island off the US state of Alaska has been traced to a northeastern Japanese city hit by last year’s tsunami.

The soccer ball carries the name of an elementary school in Rikuzentakata City in Japanese along with the names of people.

The soccer ball and volleyball were found by David Baxter, who lives near Anchorage, on Middleton Island last month. They are believed to have been swept away by the tsunami and drifted across the Pacific.

A close look at a photo of the soccer ball shows a word of encouragement to a person named Misaki Murakami. The writing also says the ball was from 3rd graders at Osabe Elementary School in March 2005.

The volleyball also carried Japanese writing, including the name Shiori and what appear to be messages for her.

Baxter told NHK that he had so far failed to find the owners of the balls but that he hopes they are alive and well. He added that he wants to visit Japan to return the balls to the owners or families when they are found.

Sunday, April 22, 2012 13:02 +0900 (JST)

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Note from EX-SKF:

Persons who find an item they think may be related to the Japan tsunami are asked to take a picture, note the location and report it to

Read the entire article at:

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Slightly off-topic…


U.S. studied babies of A-bomb survivors

Photo shows a room where materials on survivors of U.S. atomic bombings and their babies are kept at Hiroshima University in Hiroshima on April 20, 2012. The United States has returned the materials after research. Internal documents of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, or AFIP show that organ samples and medical records of more than 1,200 babies of Japanese survivors of atomic bombings, born dead or who died shortly after birth, were sent to the United States for radiation research. (Kyodo)


NRC’s Operation Center Fukushima Transcript Audio Clips March 16, 2011

(h/t Fukushima Diary)

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From ENENEWS at:’t-going-our-way-we-used-to-rewrite-daily-operative-reports-video

Former Fukushima Daiichi Reactor Operator: We falsified data and rewrote daily operative reports (VIDEO)

Title: Interview with Toshio Kimura
Translated by: Goldieluvmj
Date Published: Apr 13, 2012

At 0:48 in

NARRATOR: Kimura used to operate the reactors and maintained the fuel rods at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. He confessed that TEPCO has deceived the government, which regulates the nuclear power plants, in a number of ways.

KIMURA: As a part of operational management of the nuclear power plant, we used to rewrite the daily operative reports. We used to access the computer to falsify the data when things weren’t going our way.

See English subtitles by clicking CC button in YouTube toolbar.  (h/t Goldieluvmj & arclight)


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Owners want back land used by evacuees

The Yomiuri Shimbun

Some owners of property loaned to the government for temporary housing after last year’s disaster are reluctant to extend the initial two-year contract despite the government’s recent decision to extend the accommodation period by a year, according to sources.

After the Great East Japan Earthquake, temporary housing units were constructed on private land due to a lack of public land in disaster-hit areas. Some landowners say they plan to ask for the return of their land at the end of the contract.

Health, Labor and Welfare Minister Yoko Komiyama announced Tuesday that the government will allow the evacuees to stay another year in their temporary housing units and other accommodations, such as privately owned apartments for which local governments pay rent.

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From ENENEWS at:

CNN: Fukushima Daiichi engineer says “we still don’t know what’s going on inside the reactors” — Cold shut down “wasn’t true then, and it’s still not true today”

Title: Fukushima Daiichi: Inside the debacle
Source: Fortune via CNN
Authors: Bill Powell and Hideko Takayama
Date: April 20, 2012: 5:00 AM ET

[…] On December 16, Kan’s successor, Yoshihiko Noda, announced that the stricken reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station had reached “a state of cold shutdown.” Japan’s worst-ever nuclear accident, the Prime Minister said, had finally been brought under control.

The moment was meant to be a calming milestone, psychological balm for a wounded country in the process of trying to heal. The only problem with it, as workers today at the nuclear power plant, will tell you, is this: it wasn’t true then, and it’s still not true today. “The coolant water is keeping the reactor temperatures at a certain level, but that’s not even near the goal [of a cold shut down,]” says an engineer working inside the plant. “The fact is, we still don’t know what’s going on inside the reactors.”

Read the report here

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3 Fukushima farmers seeking 3.4 billion yen for decontamination ask for mediation

FUKUSHIMA — Three rice farmers in Nihonmatsu, Fukushima Prefecture, and elsewhere on April 20 asked for mediation for an out-of-court settlement as they seek around 3.4 billion yen for field decontamination fees and other purposes.

The farmers asked for mediation from a center for settling disputes on compensation for nuclear-related losses. The three farm 10 to 40 hectares of land located 57 to 82 kilometers from the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant. The farmers have been told by the Fukushima Prefectural Government and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries to decontaminate their lands and had their planting restricted.

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Editorial: Measures against predicted epicentral earthquake a pressing issue

There is an urgent need to implement strategy in case of a large-scale earthquake with an epicenter near the Tokyo metropolitan area.

According to information recently released by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, some 10 percent or about 300,000 buildings in Tokyo are predicted to collapse or burn down, with casualties reaching as high as 9,700, in the case of a magnitude-7.3 quake in northern Tokyo Bay. The figures were obtained through computer simulations that took into consideration the latest data from the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, 2011.

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Interesting essay in Japan Times

Bread and becquerels: a year of living dangerously

Nuclear disaster has turned family routine on its head


My New Year’s resolution back in January was to survive this year, and many more to come, which means keeping myself and my family as far from harm’s way as possible.

News photo
Loud and clear: Demonstrators offer their thoughts on the antics of Tokyo Electric Power Co., the company behind the leaking Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant, at a protest in Tokyo in September. GIANNI SIMONE

Unfortunately, staying healthy in the atomic age is far from easy, particularly after the nuclear accident in Fukushima. 2012 is already showing the telltale signs of radiation exposure — a weird one-day excrescence at the end of February certainly doesn’t bode well for the future.

My overall impression is that without decisive intervention from the central government, the do-it-yourself approach to survival is the only one that really works. God helps those who help themselves, after all. You don’t need to be a believer to agree, but who knows, perhaps a touch of faith might help.

One year has passed since the nuclear accident at Fukushima, and very few things seem to have improved — or even changed, for that matter — since last March. I am among those who initially believed the reassuring words of those people who, sometimes in good faith, downplayed the risks of possible radioactive contamination. Also, as my family lives in Yokohama, I rather naively felt that we were a safe enough distance away from the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant.


Toto Seikatsu Club (, for instance, checks each and every product for cesium-134 and 137, as well as radioactive iodine. They will not sell anything that exceeds 2 becquerels of radioactivity per kilogram. Here you can buy such “risky” food as green tea, spinach, renkon (lotus root) and mushrooms, if you really can’t resist the temptation.

Tamachan Shop ( is based in Miyazaki, Kyushu, and is another reliable source of groceries. As for rice, we now use Kome Shonen (

On the other hand, Radish Boya (, which is very popular because it offers organic vegetables and other additive-free foods, has recently been blacklisted by my wife and her more hard-core friends because there seems to be a discrepancy between what they say and what they actually do.

Read the entire article at:

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Only 26 % of People in Japan More Concerned about Food Safety after Disasters

Posted by Mochizuki on April 20th, 2012

Most of Japanese are not aware of the health risk they are facing.

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Tokyo, April 20 (Jiji Press)–Only 26.1 pct of people in Japan are more worried about food safety after last year’s earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disasters, a Cabinet Office survey showed Friday.

According to the survey, 55.8 pct said their dietary habits have not changed since the disasters, signaling that people do not think securing food safety is more challenging than before.
Among men, 17.6 pct said they are more concerned about food safety. The figure among women was 33.0 pct.
By region, the proportion of such people stood at 35.1 pct in Shikoku, southwestern Japan, 34.8 pct in Tohoku, northeastern Japan, 30.2 pct in Kanto that includes Tokyo, and 21.4 pct in Kyushu, southwestern Japan. The proportion was lowest at 16.1 pct in Chugoku, western Japan.
The survey, which allowed multiple answers, showed 17.1 pct said they pay attention to energy saving in their eating habits.


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Ministry of Agriculture to Food Industry: Don’t Use Own Radiation Standard, Use Government’s

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries notified the food industry on April 20 that the industry should abide by the radiation safety standards set by the national government, and not use their own (i.e. lower) standards.

The reason? Actually there are two:

  • So that the testing is “scientific” (meaning if companies are going to test on their own they are strongly encouraged to do so at the testing laboratories registered with the Ministry – there are 40 of them in Japan according to theMinistry’s information);
  • To avoid “excessive” regulation and to use the government standards in presenting the results.

    Article continues at:
